Who needs to wear MedicAlert?
1 out of every 3 Canadians has a medical condition, or takes medication, that emergency responders and medical professionals need to know about in an emergency. If you live with one or more of the following, you should consider getting MedicAlert protection today:
•Allergies, to bee stings, latex, nuts, penicillin etc.
• Medical and Cognitive Conditions, including Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, asthma, autism, diabetes, epilepsy, and heart disease.
•Medications, including beta blockers, blood thinners, chemotherapy, immunosuppressants, insulin, MAOIs
•Devices, including artificial heart valve, cochlear implant, hearing aid, insulin pump, pacemaker, stents, shunts and pins
•Other needs including communicating that you are an organ donor or not wanting blood transfusions.
We are pleased to offer this potentially life-saving protective ID. Please visit us in downtown Kingston or email us to discuss which one is right for you.

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